Thursday, December 18, 2008

First OB Visit

Weeeel, we had our first OB visit today after being discharged from the reproductive endocrinologist who made baby Alex. Literally :) The visit itself was fairly boring aside of the fact that they will induce me a week ahead of my due date, so I will have a baby by July 9th. I also got some freebies (neither of which is a brand I intend to use, sorry).

The highlight of the visit was the technician who was taking care of me. She had absolutely NO CLUE about IVF. What? You did most of the blood tests already? What? You don't go by your last menstrual period? What? You already had three ultrasounds? Lol. She was so lost it was actually funny.

And we are 10 weeks today, woohoo! And the baby is starting to look more like a human and less like an alien, which is definitely a good development. I love my baby ticker :)

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