Saturday, January 24, 2009

Baby is Moving

I can't believe I forgot to post about this. I guess it's my ever failing pregnancy brain. I have been feeling the baby move recently. It's very much on and off. Sometimes I feel the baby every day, sometimes every 2 days, before yesterday it took almost a week to feel it again. Alex seems to be more active at night, which is when I usually sleep, but sometimes when I return from my frequent trips to the bathroom I can feel those little butterflies. Yes, butterflies. It feels exactly like catching a butterfly in your hands and holding it there with its little wings fluttering against your palms. Only, of course, the feeling is in your stomach and while a butterfly submitted to this treatment is practically on a death row, we are sort of hoping Alex is going to make it through :) Very exciting, of course, but poor Mike is now attempting to feel the baby every day. Naturally, since I can't really feel the baby most of the time, the chances of him feeling it are rather slim. 

And as a part of the preparation we went to babies'r'us today and got a baby bath and water proof crib mattress covers. Next paycheck it will be the boppy pillow (for breast feeding) and the washcloths. We also found out that instead of the expected tax refund in '000, we actually owe $33. Which sort of sucks because we were planning to get the baby furniture, iPhone for Mike and pay off one of the credit cards with the money. Turns out that Mike's employer was not deducting nearly enough to make up for our new and improved income. We are still getting enough from state to pay off some credit card debt and to buy a crib (the only piece of furniture we really need) so it's not quite the disaster, but we are disappointed anyway.

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